After a hiatus due to the pandemic, the Kids’ Comic Con returns this year and it’s going to be better than ever!

This year the theme is the science and tech behind superheroes and sci-fi… and is dedicated to the memory of the luminous …

Nichelle “Lt. Uhura” Nichols!

If you’re a comics creator or educator who’d like to be involved, please direct message me.
***We could also use additional volunteers to help run the event.***
Want to learn what keeps your favorite flying heroes up, and helps them bring their arch foes down?
Explore red suns, gamma rays, and super ways to save the day!
Discover the sci-fact “Why” behind the sci-fi “Wow!”
Soar to new heights where masks and capes meet test tubes and beakers!
Become a Professor of Powers at KCC Sci-Fest!
From Tesla and Edison to Batman and Superman!
All this, plus:
  • Comics to get!
  • Artists to meet!
  • Workshops to take!
  • Demos to watch!
  • Exhibits to see!
  • Costumed heroes for selfies!

Convinced yet? Then come and join us a month from today at Kids’ Comic Con Sci-Fest: a Science Fact & Fiction Extravaganza!

Saturday, September 17th from 10 AM – 6PM at Bronx Community College, 181st Street and University Avenue, Bronx, NY

Artists, Vendors, Guest, and Patrons:
You will must have proof of vaccination to participate in this event.



Since 2007 the Kids’ Comic Con has invited professional illustrators, writers, editors, and publishers, from the comic book and main stream publishing world, to come and talk with the children.  Through donations we were able to offer comics and graphic novels to every child that came through the door. 

We also arranged art exhibits, games, panels, demonstrations, portfolio reviews, and How To art workshops for young and old – for the curious as well as aspiring. 

All merchandise has to be completely suitable for young eyes, first and foremost.  That means no gore, extreme violence, nudity, or vulgarity. Since our first convention our goal has been to grow in quality so that each year everyone involved will come away feeling they’ve been part of something exciting, fun, informative, and inspirational. 

In honor of coming out of Covid isolation, we’ve decided to do something a little different this year.  

Instead of a table fee, we’re merely asking our vendors to donate to our organization. It can be as little as $20.

Just click on this link:  For KCC and Kids

Naturally, KCC will continue to welcome donation of any size to help us continue to provide these events, workshops, artists visits throughout the year.   

Donate today to help build a better future for our youngest children.